A sustainable event on a global scale in Seville, or WTTC 2019

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When we talk about a sustainable event, we are referring to those that were conceived and celebrated in accordance with the criteria ESG (environmental, social and good governance), generating the minimum possible negative impact, and potentiating the positive impact on the local community that is affected by each act.

Our projects are very ambitious, because we open all areas of sustainability (not just carbon emissions, which is an important pillar in the environmental area), and allow us to influence and raise awareness of a large number of interest groups.

Apresentação no Auditório FIBES Sevilha Itálica.
Presentation in the FIBES Auditorium Sevilha Itálica.

In this line of work, it is worth highlighting the technical consultancy that we provide ECOTERRAE ao Tourism of Sevilha and ao World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC – CMVT) in the World Travel and Tourism Summit held in 2019 in the Andalusian capital.

We advise everyone involved in this sustainable event to comply with the requirements established in the sustainable event standards and, after approval of the external audit process, we obtain the first Sustainable Event certificate attributed to Andalusia.

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