Calculation of GHG emissions and carbon neutral product of Kaura

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Few companies as committed to the environment as KAURA. Company dedicated to the production of raw materials with high added value for the animal feed sector, as well as the revaluation of animal by-products for the energy sector, developing a very high circular economy effort as a lever of change. Since 2017 we have supported the company in the Calculation of the carbon footprint of the organization, evaluating how its production processes can be optimized to reduce its environmental impact.

During these years, and thanks to its reduction plan, it has achieved, among other milestones, providing 100% with all its facilities with electrical energy from renewable sources.

Kaura facilities in Seville

Drawing up a long-term plan allows us to achieve triple impact in companies: calculating, reducing and compensating the organizations' emissions.

We also highlight its commitment through the calculation of indirect emissions. That without being obliged to calculate (such as the emissions of the fleet of suppliers, the mobility of workers or business trips), they manage to promote change in their interest groups and in those lines of action in which they do not They have a direct action impact.

Kaura facilities in Seville

In 2020, we have also supported KAURA in making your first shipment of merchandise (poultry meal) 100% carbon neutral, thanks to the completion of the verified Product Carbon Footprint project, under life cycle analysis. Analyzing GHG emissions throughout the entire production chain (from cradle to gate) makes it easier for KAURA differentiation in the sector, providing value and working for the transparency of its services.

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