EMASAGRA and its Roadmap


One of the sectors that is investing the most in the fight against climate change is water, which is prominent on their roadmap.

This is due to the fact that sensitive companies have committed to analyzing their carbon footprint generated throughout the water cycle.

One of the most recognized cases at the national level is that of EMASAGRA. The company set its goals in 2016 and has been steadily reducing its global warming impact ever since.

In accordance with the requirements established by the GHG Protocol and ISO 14064, EMASAGRA updates its greenhouse gas inventory every year and, with the help of ECOTERRAE follows up and monitors the emissions reduced and prevented due to the good practices implemented on a gradual basis.

Cenes water treatment plant, Granada.

In addition, it should be pointed out that EMASAGRA has entrusted our team to accompany them on the path towards carbon neutrality, which has enabled them to become the first Spanish company in the sector to calculate, reduce and offset 100% of their carbon footprint in 2019.

In addition to climate action, EMASAGRA you have entrusted our team to lead the way in the calculation and verification of their water footprint, in accordance with the guidelines of the Water Footprint Network and ISO 14046, thereby increasing control over the sustainable consumption of water resources in their processes.

As an exercise in transparency and engagement with their stakeholders, the company counts on us to coordinate dialogue with these parties, to conduct an analysis on materiality, and to prepare several of its Sustainability Reports (GRI Standards). This has enabled us to identify the real expectations of our environment, which in turn has led us to address other new challenges such as increasing business resilience through the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan.

This roadmap sets the course for 2030 and is enabling EMASAGRA to generate added value throughout their environment, continuously improving social, ethical and environmental aspects, while serving as an example for many other clients in the sector that trust us.

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