Since 2012, we contribute to the sustainable development and mitigate the effects of Climate Changes

Our miss

Materialize sustainability in society by acting as a strategic ally of the public-private sector.

Our vision

Triple and internationalize our business by 2023, being a 100 % company that is neutral in carbon emissions and continuously increasing our social commitment.

We are collaborative

We work as a team. We are all Ecoterrae. We strive for continuous improvement, we seek growth and learning. We firmly believe in honesty and create relationships based on trust. We are happy, very close and passionate... we feel!!

Or our purpose? Activate the changes to make the organizations and models of societies sustain a reality

«Sustainability in
our DNA «

After more than 13 years in the world of environmental consulting, I have been able to travel and learn how the concept of sustainability has evolved in different parts of the world. Years ago I advised the World Bank and specialized in carbon markets because when I didn't make any statements about it, I felt that climate changes were our biggest challenge and that we must combat them on a global scale.

In 2012, we created Ecoterrae with the objective of using and combating climate change as a change engine in our businesses. After 8 years of life, we can say with complete certainty that, that we share our purpose and have a commitment to generate economic value, that we care about our people and take care of our environment, we can generate wealth at the same time that we contribute. para o seu. great area so that our species and “our” planet prosper sustainably. If you do not understand this, it will appear outside the market.

Therefore, we hope to continue building trust in our customers to accompany them in their transition to a low-carbon economic model.

Important frames.


With the publication of Ecoterrae's code of ethics, agreed upon by the entire team of people who are part of this company, we intend to establish in writing that we have the principles we trust to carry out our work and manage our business. This document confirms the behavior that we have come to maintain at the end of the years that we have been active, and lays the foundations to continue growing as a company responsible for the challenges that we will face as an organization in the future.
We allow um public form so that any interested party can, with full guarantee of confidentiality:

  • File a query or process about the Code.
  • Report any unethical behavior or knowledge that you have taken knowledge of.
The download will begin as soon as the form is pre-enclosed.
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