Mercaoleo, a subsidiary of Dcoop, achieves the “Zero Waste in Landfills” certification with the support of Ecoterrae

residuos cero verterderos mercaoleo

In an important demonstration of commitment to sustainability, Mercaoleo, a subsidiary of Dcoop Group specialized in bottling oil, has obtained the prestigious "Zero Waste in Landfills" certificate awarded by the SGS certifier, thanks to the advice of EcoterraeThis recognition now endorses its two bottling plants, Mercaoleo and Reina Sofía, reaffirming the Dcoop Group's determination to move towards a circular economy model.

This achievement represents a key milestone in Dcoop's sustainability strategy., based on the principles of reducing, reusing, recycling and valorising the waste generated in its operations. Through a comprehensive and organised management system, the aim is not only to reduce the generation of waste, but also to prepare it for reuse or transformation into new raw materials, thus contributing to a more efficient and environmentally friendly production model.

During the audited period in 2023, Both plants achieved a recovery ratio of 92.05%, which means that almost all of the waste generated was reused, recycled or transformed.In quantitative terms, this translates into the recovery of 176 tons of paper and cardboard, 58 tons of glass, 74 tons of plastic, seven tons of wood and three tons of metal. This drastic reduction in waste sent to landfills is a clear example of Dcoop's dedication to promoting more sustainable practices.

The recognition also reflects the alignment with the group's environmental objectives for 2024, which are integrated within the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System already implemented in Mercaoleo.The goal is to extend this model to other Dcoop industrial centres, such as Villarrubia (almond processing) and Lebrija (goat cheese production).

The official presentation of the certificate took place at Mercaoleo's facilities in Antequera, where Javier Postigo Moya, Ecoterrae's technical consultant, and Marta Sánchez Méndez, SGS's main auditor, presented the accreditation to José Luis Gámez and Marta Salido, Mercaoleo's quality technicians.

At Ecoterrae, we are proud to have contributed to this milestone that reflects the collective effort towards a greener and more responsible future.

Do you want to know more about this "zero waste" certification? Access our blog about zero waste

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