State of Climate Emergency in the city of Seville

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Cities like Seville are main spaces for agglomeration and development of economic and social activities, which is why they play an important role in adapting to the Climate change, as recognized in the EU Strategy, which collects and defines the situation we face as a matter of Climate Emergency.

Specifically, in July 2019, the ordinary plenary session of the Seville City Council approved the declaration of state of Climate Emergency in the city.

Plaza de España, Seville

With it, the municipality assumed the severity of the crisis we face and became the first Spanish capital to declare such a state of alert, even ahead of the European Parliament, which did not approve a similar declaration until November 2019. (Source : website of Seville City Council)

In this sense, Ecoterrae accompanies the Corporation of Municipal Companies of Seville (CEMS) in monitoring the degree of implementation of the actions of Climate Emergency launched by the different municipal companies of Seville, that is, EMASESA, EMVISESA, LIPASAM and TUSSAM.

In this way, we contribute to ensuring that the climate roadmap that the Seville City Council is developing through its municipal companies continue to be executed successfully, thus complying with the Sustainable Development Goals, especially with the SDG 13 of “Climate Action”.

Note that this project is just one of the collaborations of Ecoterrae with the Seville City Council and its municipal companies, since we contribute our grain of sand through other actions such as the preparation of the Action Plan for Climate and Sustainable Energy of Seville, calculation of the carbon footprint of several years of LIPASAM and TUSSAM, writing sustainability reports of municipal companies, etc.

For us it is a pride to contribute with our knowledge to make the city of Seville a reference in matters of climate change and sustainable development.

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