Circular economy in 2024: Zero waste

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On a planet where we already have a serious waste management problem due to the 2.3 billion tons that are currently generated, we have the obligation to internalize and integrate the reduction and circularity of waste into our lifestyle.

Of course, waste generation depends on various factors such as population growth, increased consumption and industrial production.

In terms of emissions, GHGs from solid waste account for around 8% of global emissions... and that is without taking into account the emissions associated with their transportation!

What regulations regulate waste management?

In view of the Zero Waste certification, we must take into account a large amount of regulations regarding waste, from Royal Decrees, Decrees, Standards, Orders and Laws at the state or regional level.

What is the new Waste Law?:

  • Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy:
    • Waste prevention
    • Promotes reuse, recycling and recovery of waste
    • Soil protection
    • Ban on single-use plastics. Extended producer responsibility.
  •  Royal Decree 553/2020, of June 2, which regulates the transfer of waste within the territory of the State:
    • Regulates the transport of waste within Spanish territory.
  • Royal Decree 646/2020, of July 7, on waste disposal by landfill:
    • Regulates the disposal of waste in landfills and establishes waste admission criteria.
    • TED Order 834, minimum pretreatment requirements for municipal waste deposits in landfills.
    • ORD 789, regulates the methods for calculating the cost of GHG emissions in the landfill.
    • Highlight here the importance of the requirements in the characterization of waste!!

Common points in a Zero Waste model

Within the different standards developed by verification companies that exist as a guide to achieving a zero waste model, we must highlight the following main requirements that are usually quite common to find:

Identification of zero waste generating points:

It is required to know exactly the origin of the generation of the waste subject to certification. Here they usually request a plan or map of the facilities to identify those points or places where waste is produced by the company's production process.

Amount of waste generated:

We will need to know the exact amount of all waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous, that is generated at the producer's facilities in order to be able to attend to the rest of the points requested in the certification. This point is probably the key point and axis of the certification.

Waste documentary control:

Obviously, having the generated waste well controlled must be done following the different laws (not only those mentioned above) that apply both to the preparation of documentation, to the transfer of this generated waste and to the management and documentary traceability.

Here it is advised whether or not the intervention of an authorized waste manager under the main figures for the collection, transport and management of waste or count on different providers of these services independently but always under registered authorization.

Work procedures:

Among all the main requirements that we highlight in this article, this point may be the one that contemplates the greatest subjectivity on the part of the certifier since it can focus more on the work procedures related to the responsibilities of waste management within the producer's organization chart or either in a work procedure that indicates how documentary control will be carried out.

In addition to these two main work procedures that are usually requested, we can find some, several or all of the following within the certification requirements:

  • Waste training PT.
  • Safety PT against dangerous, toxic, harmful waste, etc.
  • PT for control of imported raw materials.
  • Supplier contracting PT (establish contracting criteria and previously evaluate suppliers before working with them)
  • Other TPs that the auditor specifically prioritizes.

Percentage of Waste Recovery or Elimination:

A fairly common requirement is the need to demonstrate to the certifier the percentage of waste that has an “R” or recovery waste treatment. If the first treatment is R12 or R13, the next treatment R will have to be demonstrated. Objective: always try to improve in the “7Rs”, redesign, reduce, reuse, repair, renew, recover and recycle.

This valuation percentage can vary depending on what the standard indicates, being able to obtain a type of certification with less weight with a lower requirement (at 60% or 80%) and another more valuable certification (above 90%) and even “zero waste“.

Zero Waste certification report:

In order to demonstrate that the producer meets all the requirements cited in the standard, a final report is usually requested.

The presentation and structuring of the report will be valued, but above all the certifiers will focus on the content where all the requirements are met to be able to give approval and achieve certification.

In addition, the verifier is usually asked to demonstrate that improvement measures have been established to reduce either the generation of waste or directly lower the recovery percentage since the result is not sufficiently required to achieve certification.

“Plus” Certifications

There are various certifications that, in addition to highlighting correct waste management, want to go further and certify that they control other potential waste or some specific waste.

In this way, some standards want to establish certification levels valuing good work in the management of plastics or in the avoidance of waste generation through the import of raw materials.


  • Cost reduction: Establishing correct optimization in production processes results in a reduction in waste generation and, furthermore, if it is accompanied by correct waste management, it is proven that the costs associated with it are reduced.
  • Income Possibility: There are various wastes that can be composted when delivered to a destination manager or merchant under a purchase-sale relationship that will result in an economic benefit of which the company may not have been aware without obtaining the Zero Waste certification.
  • Alignment with legal provisions and EU strategy: Obtaining certification helps to be in line with the various regulations, both present and future, regarding waste that are already requested or will be requested from the European Commission.
  • Awareness and sensitization: By achieving this Zero Waste certification, all workers of the waste-producing company are involved in establishing and maintaining correct waste management, helping to minimize the associated environmental impacts.
  • Complement with other standards or certifications: here we have a clear example of the great degree of alignment with UNE-EN ISO-14001:2015 since this standard requests information regarding waste and that, thanks to the “Zero Waste” certification, there is already great control On these.

In addition, there are various platforms or initiatives that request specific points in the management of plastic waste or on the recovery of waste, achieving zero waste through landfilling.

  • Improvement of the company image: the inclusion of all the aforementioned points accompanied by correct dissemination that the company has the Zero Waste certification or another higher level of certification, contributes to improving the image of the waste producing company; improvement of positioning within the corresponding sector.

The Zero Waste certification contributes to a life model of Circular Economy whose objective is to reduce the generation of waste as much as possible, making the most of a second life for those that cannot be avoided producing.


  • Advice on first steps for hiring waste managers.
  • Training for staff, workers and suppliers on waste.
  • Relevant administrative procedures on documentary control of generated waste.
  • Direct link with verifiers and support in external verification to achieve certification.
  • Dissemination and publicity about obtaining the certificate.

We hope this information is useful to you. In Ecoterrae, we want to help you.

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