Interview with Ecoterrae on 7TV


At Ecoterrae we meet another milestone! 

We have had the honor of being participants in the 7TV television channel, and today, we want to share the very interesting interview offered by our CEO Daniel García. 

We highlight some of his words: 

Ecoterrae is dedicated to the consulting sector on sustainability and climate change. We are a non-standard company, as our focus is on providing technical support to other companies seeking highly specific and technical knowledge in key areas such as carbon footprint measurement and greenhouse gas inventory. , among others.

Our story began in 2012 when we decided to take the step and found Ecoterrae. During these 11 years, we have grown and evolved, and today we have a team of 15 technicians who serve companies in Seville and throughout Spain, some even abroad.

We have had the honor of working with a wide variety of clients, from Andalusia's largest cooperative in the pharmaceutical sector, Bidafarma, to multinational companies such as L'Oréal, Adidas and Banco Santander, as well as small and medium-sized companies. 

Our mission is to help these organizations meet the sustainability requirements that the market demands of them.

In today's world, all companies face the need to incorporate sustainability and environmental protection in their activity, not only as part of the quality of their products or services, but as a commitment to society and the environment. in which they operate.

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword, but an integral part of business models, a response to market demands and, in many cases, a legal and economic obligation.

Daniel García, CEO of Ecoterrae

At Ecoterrae, we are proud to be part of this change and help people authentically embrace sustainability. 

Our clients trust us to guide them on their journey towards a more sustainable future, and we are committed to continuing to support businesses on their path to real and meaningful sustainability.

Thank you for being part of our journey and for supporting us in our mission. Together, we are building a more sustainable and environmentally conscious world. 

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