Specialists in sustainability and climate change


Did you know that…?

0 ºC

In summer 2020 in Spain, an average temperature of 23.9 ºC was recorded, or 0.9 ºC above normal. It was the sixth consecutive summer with temperatures above two normal values and the ninth most recent of the 21st century.

0 ppm

In 2019, a CO2 concentration of 415 ppm was recorded in the atmosphere, a historical record for the planet.

Water shortage
0 %

In Spain, the effects of Climate Changes can only be seen; Today, it is about 25 % less than 50 years ago, and average temperatures will increase by around 8 ºC in some regions. This contributes to higher evaporation rates, which in turn lead to more intense rain showers and flooding. In the last 20 years alone, it is estimated that the country has lost 20 % of its water supply, or groundwater has fallen drastically as little of the remaining glacial ice in the Pyrenees (90 % has already been lost) has melted rapidly.

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