What is the water footprint and how is it calculated? 

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Introduction to the water footprint

From Ecoterrae We tell you everything you need to know about what the water footprint is and how to calculate it. The Water footprint It is an indicator that measures the total amount of water used in the production of goods and services, from direct to indirect consumption. As water scarcity becomes a global concern, the water footprint has positioned itself as a fundamental tool for companies that wish to manage their resources sustainably.

Calculating the water footprint is not only a commitment to the environment, but also a way to optimize processes, identify areas for improvement and demonstrate leadership in sustainability. For companies in sectors such as agriculture, industry or management of the entire water cycle, measuring and reducing their water footprint is a strategic priority.

How to calculate the water footprint: Blue, green and grey water

Its calculation is divided into three components:


      • Blue water: Corresponds to evaporated surface and groundwater, incorporated into the process or product, returned to another basin or discharged into the sea.

      • Green water: Refers to rainwater that evaporates and evapotranspires through plants and therefore does not become runoff.

      • Grey water: It is the volume of water necessary to dilute the pollution generated by an activity given the natural background concentrations and environmental quality standards.

    Each of these components makes it possible to identify where and how water resources are being used in different processes, which helps companies to establish specific objectives for their reduction and efficient management.

    Why is it important to measure the water footprint in companies?

    It allows companies to gain a clear view of their impact on water resources. This information is essential for:


        • Resource optimization: Detect inefficiencies in water use and propose solutions to reduce consumption and operating costs.

        • Regulatory compliance:In many sectors, environmental legislation requires monitoring and reducing water consumption.

        • Reputation and social responsibility: Companies that measure and manage their water footprint project an image of responsibility and commitment to the environment, which can attract responsible consumers and investors.

      Water footprint consultancy: Why hire experts?

      The consultancy specialized in water footprint is key to ensuring accurate analysis and the implementation of effective solutions. In Ecoterrae, with more than 12 years of experience and more than 100 water footprint projects carried out, we help companies from various sectors to optimize their water use and comply with international sustainability standards.

      Our services include the detailed calculation of the water footprint following recognized methodologies such as Water Footprint Network, ensuring that the results are accurate and tailored to the needs of each client.

      Hire experts like Ecoterrae not only guarantees high-quality technical analysis, but also ensures the achievement of tangible results, such as cost reduction and compliance with environmental regulations.

      How much does it cost to calculate the water footprint?

      The cost of calculating the water footprint varies depending on the complexity of the project and the size of the company. Some of the factors that influence the budget include:


          • Company size and sector: Companies with large-scale operations or those in sectors such as agriculture or heavy industry often require a more in-depth and detailed analysis.

          • Scope of analysis: The calculation can include both the direct and indirect water footprint, as well as the blue, green and grey water footprint, which affects the duration and cost of the study.

          • Methodology used: Depending on the standards applied, costs may vary. It is recommended to use the Water Footprint Network methodology.

        In Ecoterrae, we offer custom quotes according to the specific needs of each client, ensuring a balance between investment and results. 

        If you are interested in receiving advice on calculating the water footprint of your company or product, please send us this information via the contact form. 

        Benefits of reducing the water footprint: Savings and reputation

        Reducing the water footprint not only has a positive impact on the environment, but also provides competitive advantages for companies. The main benefits include:


            • Cost savingsBy identifying areas for improvement in water use, companies can reduce their consumption, lower operating costs and improve the efficiency of their processes.

            • Compliance with environmental regulations: Many regions and industrial sectors are increasingly demanding sustainable water management. Reducing the water footprint helps companies comply with these regulations and avoid penalties.

            • Improving reputation: Companies that sustainably manage their water resources strengthen their reputation, attracting investors, customers and business partners who value environmental commitment.

          Leading methodologies: Water Footprint Network

          There are various methodologies for measuring the water footprint, but the most globally recognized is:


              • Water Footprint Network: This is the most widely accepted methodology at an international level. It offers a comprehensive view of water use, covering both the direct and indirect footprint of products, organizations, and processes.

            In EcoterraeWe use this methodology to offer a comprehensive analysis tailored to the needs of each client, ensuring that companies can obtain the best results in managing their footprint.

            Success stories: Projects in key sectors

            Throughout our career in Ecoterrae, we have implemented successful water footprint projects in sectors such as agriculture, the full water cycle management and the industry. Among the most notable cases are:


                • Agriculture: We help large agricultural farms identify opportunities to primarily reduce their green and blue water consumption, improving irrigation efficiency and reducing their impact on water resources.

                • IndustryIn industrial projects, we work on optimizing production processes to minimize water consumption and the generation of grey water.

                • Complete water cycle: We collaborate with water management companies to improve water efficiency, both in supply networks and in wastewater treatment.

              These projects have not only enabled our clients to reduce their footprint, but also to generate savings and improve their market positioning.

              Success stories

              A competitive advantage for companies

              Measuring and managing this footprint is essential for companies seeking to operate sustainably in a world where water resources are increasingly limited. It is not only an environmental commitment, but a business strategy that can generate savings, comply with regulations and improve corporate reputation.

              In EcoterraeWe are committed to helping companies make the most of their water footprint calculations, offering customized services and tangible results that benefit both business and the planet.

              Questions Frecent

              What does the water footprint mean?

              This footprint is an indicator that measures the total amount of water used in the production of goods and services, including fresh water (blue), rainwater (green) and the volume of water needed to dilute pollutants (grey).

              How does the water footprint affect the environment?

              A high footprint can generate water shortage and affect aquatic ecosystems. Human activities that consume large amounts of water or pollute it can degrade the quality of water resources and affect local communities and ecosystems.

              What does a water footprint indicate?

              This footprint indicates the water impact of a product, service or process. It reflects both the volume of water consumed and the amount contaminated, allowing companies to evaluate and improve the management of their water resources.

              What is the water footprint?

              The water footprint is an essential tool for measuring and managing water use in any activity. It contributes to improving the efficiency and the sustainability of operations, helping companies to minimise their environmental impact and ensure responsible use of water.

              How do you express yourself?

              The water footprint is expressed in cubic meters of water (m³), representing the volume of water used or contaminated per unit of time, product or service.

              What is the difference between water footprint and water use?

              This footprint not only measures the volume of water used, but also the impact that has that use in the environment, such as water pollution (gray footprint). water use It generally refers only to the quantity consumed without evaluating the environmental impact or quality of the resource after use.

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