Visit to Delsur in El Salvador: A step forward towards adaptation to climate change


In a global context where the effects of climate change are increasingly evident and pressing, ECOTERRAE has taken a crucial step by making an in-person visit to the facilities of DELSUR, one of the main electricity distributors in El Salvador.

This effort is an integral part of an exhaustive study of vulnerability and risks against climate change, designed to assist DELSUR in the preparation of a robust and effective adaptive measures plan. 

What was the objective of the visit?

The purpose of our visit was to carry out a detailed and direct evaluation of DELSUR's infrastructure and operations. Our team of experts was dedicated to identifying the areas and facilities most susceptible to the impacts of climate change and evaluating potential risks that could compromise the continuity and effectiveness of the electrical services provided by the company.

Development of the visit

Pre-Visit Training

Before our field visits, we undergo extensive training with the DELSUR team. This training included sessions on key climate change concepts, risk identification and vulnerability assessment techniques. The goal was to prepare staff to collaborate effectively during visits and provide accurate and relevant information. 

Management Presentation at the Beginning of the Visit

At the beginning of the visit, a management presentation was held where the objectives of the study and the importance of this study for DELSUR were presented. This presentation sought to align expectations and ensure a clear understanding of the steps to follow, strengthening the commitment of the company and the departments to the initiative.

Training day and presentation of progress from Ecoterrae to Delsur

Field work: recognition of the organization's Substations and Facilities

During the process, we made several field visits to the different substations distributed throughout the country. These visits allowed us to meticulously inspect each facility, assessing its current condition and its ability to withstand extreme weather events such as storms, floods, landslides and heat waves. Both electrical substations and distribution lines were reviewed, as well as critical support infrastructure.

Inspection of DELSUR facilities

Participatory Workshop with Middle Management and Managers

To enrich our study, we organized a participatory workshop that involved middle managers and directors of DELSUR. This workshop aimed to take advantage of the knowledge and experience of all departments of the company, ensuring that each area contributed valuable information to the study. Internal collaboration is crucial to identifying weaknesses and opportunities for improvement from multiple operational perspectives.

Presentation Workshop Use of tools for data collection Work tables

Collaboration and Commitment

Our collaboration with DELSUR reflects a shared commitment to sustainability and climate resilience. Working together, we are laying the foundation for a future in which El Salvador's electrical infrastructure is not only more resilient to the impacts of climate change, but also operates more sustainably and efficiently.

Ecoterrae team with DELSUR


One of the fundamental purposes of ECOTERRRAE is to provide innovative and science-based solutions to face environmental and climate challenges. Our mission is to help organizations from various sectors adapt to a changing climate environment, improving their resilience and long-term sustainability. 

Below you can find more information on how your organization can adapt to climate change.

What is adaptation to climate change and how can we help your organization?

Adaptation to climate change involves the adjustment of natural or human systems in response to current or expected climate stimuli, or their effects, to moderate damage, take advantage of beneficial opportunities, or cope with consequences. Adaptation is crucial to minimize the negative impacts of climate change on people, infrastructure and the environment.

What elements are key to mitigating risks against Climate Change?

  1. Assessment of Vulnerability and Climate Risks:
  • Identification of the areas and sectors most vulnerable to climate impacts.
  • Assessment of potential risks, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, and storms.
  1. Development of Strategies and Action Plans:
  • Development of adaptive strategies that include specific measures to reduce vulnerability.
  • Implementation of short, medium and long-term action plans.
  1. Strengthening Infrastructure and optimizing operations:
  • Improvements in critical infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events.
  • Incorporation of more resilient technologies and materials.
  • Optimizing operations to ensure service continuity and effectiveness during extreme weather events.
  1. Natural Resources Management:
  • Sustainable use of natural resources to ensure their future availability (energy, water, raw materials, etc.).
  • Conservation and restoration of ecosystems that act as natural barriers against disasters.
  1. Training and Awareness:
  • Continuous training of staff on climate change and adaptation issues.
  • Raising community and interest group awareness on the importance of adaptation.
  1. Monitoring, Follow-up and Evaluation:
  • Establishment of monitoring and tracking systems to evaluate the effectiveness of adaptive measures.
  • Review and adjustment of strategies according to the results obtained.

How can we help your Organization incorporate resilience to the risks of climate change?

At ECOTERRAE, we are committed to helping your organization effectively adapt to the challenges of climate change. Our comprehensive methodology addresses multiple critical aspects to ensure a smooth and effective transition towards greater resilience and sustainability.

We begin with a comprehensive evaluation of climate vulnerability and risks. Our team of experts conducts a detailed analysis to identify critical areas and assess the current state of your organization's infrastructure and operations. This initial diagnosis allows us to determine the possible impacts of climate change and establish a solid foundation for the following stages of the process.

With the information obtained, we design personalized adaptive strategies that address the specific needs of your organization. These strategies are aimed at reduce vulnerability and take advantage of opportunities that climate change could present. We work closely with your team to develop an action plan that is practical and effective in the short, medium and long term.

The implementation of concrete measures is the next step. We assist in advising on structural and operational improvements to strengthen the resilience of your infrastructure and optimize your operations. This includes the adoption of 

To ensure all levels of your organization are prepared to meet the challenges of climate change, we offer formation programs. These programs include workshops, courses and specific training sessions, designed to equip your staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage climate risks effectively. Additionally, we support the communication and awareness of climate change adaptation efforts both internally, within your organization, and externally, with interest groups and the community. 

Through this integral approach, we help your organization minimize the risks associated with extreme weather events, improve operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and strengthen your corporate image. Our goal is to ensure long-term sustainability and the protection of natural resources, promoting responsible practices that benefit both your company and the community.

What benefits does adaptation to climate change contain?

Adapting to climate change is not only a necessity, but also a strategic opportunity to strengthen your organization on multiple fronts. By implementing climate change adaptation measures, your company can benefit significantly in several areas:

First of all, the risk reduction It is one of the most immediate and tangible benefits. By identifying and carrying out mitigation measures against the risks associated with extreme weather events, your organization can ensure the continuity of its operations, minimizing costly interruptions and improving its ability to respond to climate emergencies.

The operating efficiency It is also improved through the adoption of resilient measures and practices. By optimizing processes and using resources more efficiently, your company can reduce operating costs and increase productivity, resulting in greater competitiveness in the market.

Another key benefit is the normative compliance. Environmental and climate regulations are becoming stricter and complying with them is essential to avoid penalties and strengthen your company's reputation. Adapting to climate change ensures that your organization is aligned with current and future regulations, demonstrating a proactive commitment to sustainability.

Long-term sustainability is another fundamental pillar. By protecting natural resources and promoting responsible practices, your company not only contributes to the conservation of the environment, but also ensures its long-term viability and success. This is especially important in a context where consumers and stakeholders increasingly value sustainable practices.

Furthermore, adaptation to climate change improves corporate image of your company. By demonstrating an active commitment to sustainability and resilience, your organization can strengthen your brand and attract both customers and investors who value environmental responsibility. This improvement in public perception can open new business opportunities and strategic alliances.

For more information and to start a dialogue about how we can help your organization adapt to climate change, please do not hesitate to contact ECOTERRAE.

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