Agreement between INGEVENTS and ECOTERRAE to organize carbon neutral events


The agreement symbolizes a shared vision between both brands of a future where corporate events actively contribute to global sustainability

In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of corporate activities, INGEVENTS® is proud to announce a strategic alliance with ECOTERRAE, leaders in climate change and sustainability consulting. Together, we are setting a new standard in the organization of corporate and institutional events, focused on carbon neutrality.

Commitment to sustainability. Under the expert guidance of ECOTERRAE, INGEVENTS offers a comprehensive service for the calculation and compensation of the carbon footprint generated by events. From assembly to celebration and dismantling, every aspect is meticulously analyzed to measure and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, integrating sustainable practices that resonate with our clients' corporate social responsibility values.

Innovation and responsibility. In addition to calculating emissions, the INGEVENTS® approach includes the optimization of materials, logistics and energy consumption, promoting the use of local resources and reducing environmental impact. “This commitment not only reflects our dedication to sustainability, but also provides our clients with a platform to highlight their commitment to responsible business practices,” they say in the agency.

Gala 2023 XXI Night of Telecommunications and Information Society. Ingevents®

Global reach, local impact. This agreement not only offers advice on carbon offsetting at the local level, but also covers state and international options, “allowing our clients to expand their positive impact beyond borders.”

A solid alliance. As reported in INGEVENTS®, the agreement, signed at the prestigious Torre Sevilla headquarters of the Seville Chamber of Commerce Club, “symbolizes our shared vision with ECOTERRAE of a future where corporate events actively contribute to global sustainability.”

Without a doubt, the alliance between INGEVENTS® and ECOTERRAE “is more than a collaboration: “it represents a step forward towards a future where corporate events and ecological responsibility go hand in hand. “We invite visionary companies to join us on this journey towards sustainability, making each event an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the planet.”

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